Title: Skincare Scientist & Product Specialist Bio: At Nexus Aesthetic Clinic, Olivia’s expertise ensures her readers get the science-backed knowledge they need to navigate the world of skincare. Her passion for bridging the gap between science and beauty resonates in every article she writes.Olivia Bennett
Olivia Bennett is a skincare scientist with extensive experience in developing innovative beauty products. Based in Toronto, Canada, she has worked with leading brands to create solutions tailored to diverse skin types and concerns.
- Aesthetic Clinic
- The Face
Pigmentation / Age Spot
Facial Sculpting / Contouring
Under Eye / Eye Bags
Dull Skin / Open Pores and Texture / Redness / Sunburn
Skin Lightening
Spider Vein / Fine Veins Removal
Milia / Oil Seeds / Mole / Wart Removal
- The Body
Cleavage + Decolletage Rejuvenation
Breast Lifting
Hands Rejuvenation & Plumping
Permanent Hair Removal
Stretch Mark
Broken Capillaries / Spider Veins
Milia / Oil Seeds / Mole / Wart Removal
Tattoo Removal
- Fat & Weight Loss
Fat & Weight Loss
- Hair Loss Treatment
- Female Only
- Male Only
- Medi Spa
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