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Laser Vaginal Tightening Procedure Primer in Malaysia



Rejuvenation of the vaginal area encompasses a variety of procedures intended to improve the condition of the vaginal area. These surgeries can be performed for purely aesthetic reasons or to treat age-related issues like a lax genitalia or urinary incontinence.


The term “vaginal rejuvenation” is used to describe a variety of surgical and non-surgical methods for improving the female reproductive organs. Your vagina and the tissues around it may weaken and become less flexible as a result of a variety of factors, including childbirth, aging, and genetics. Symptoms of this include urinary incontinence, vaginal dryness, skin laxity, and a decline in sexual satisfaction. To remedy these issues and restore their vagina’s aesthetic and functional qualities, many women and AFABs seek out vaginal rejuvenation procedures. Vaginal rejuvenation can be achieved in two ways: surgically and nonsurgically.


Many women experience vaginal looseness, dryness, and a decline in sexual intimacy after having children or entering menopause. To a lesser extent, treatment can alleviate these symptoms as well as:

  • Vaginal laxity or skin looseness.
  • Urine leaks when you laugh, sneeze, or jump.
  • The inability to control one’s urination.
  • Lowered sexual desire.
  • An abnormally dry condition.
  • Sex that hurts.
  • Decreased sensitivity and libido.
  • Inadequate sense of one’s own worth or competence.


Both surgical and nonsurgical methods exist for vaginal rejuvenation. The vaginal canal and vulva (the external female genitalia) are impacted by the treatment (where penetration occurs during sex or where you put a tampon).



A general or local anesthetic is required for most surgical vaginal rejuvenation procedures. This kind of surgery is typically done by a plastic surgeon or gynecologist. Vaginal rejuvenation surgeries include, but are not limited to, the following.

Change the form of your vaginal “lips,” or labia, with a gynecological procedure called a labiaplasty.

By performing a vaginoplasty, the vaginal canal can be made more secure or fixed in the wake of childbirth.

Reducing the clitoral hood involves the surgical removal of excess tissue that has grown over the clitoris.

Through a procedure called a “monsplasty,” excess fat is cut out of the collarbone region.

Vulvoplasty is a surgical procedure that alters the vulvar contour (external genitalia).

Increases perineal strength through perineoplasty (space between your vaginal and anus).



Vaginal rejuvenation treatments that don’t involve surgery are minimally invasive and have a speedy return to normal activity. You can tone and tighten your vaginal area without needles or surgery with their assistance. The top layers of vaginal tissue are heated in order to achieve vaginal rejuvenation without surgery. The underlying tissue responds by producing more collagen and new, stronger tissue.

Treatment alternatives that don’t involve cutting into patients include:

When you get a vaginal tightening laser treatment, the upper layers of vaginal tissue are heated, which triggers the lower layers to produce more collagen. This procedure results in tighter, firmer skin. The laser vaginal tightening available today comes under a variety of brand names, such as the MonaLisa Touch®, FemTouch®, and FemiLift®.

Radio frequency (RF) therapy: RF therapy makes use of electromagnetic waves, like those produced by a microwave oven (but to a lesser extent). When RF waves are applied to the vagina, the vaginal tissue is heated, which increases blood flow and collagen production. Some well-known RF product names are Viveve®, Emsella®, and ThermiVA®.

Both radiofrequency and vaginal laser treatment therapies are performed in a doctor’s office. As little local anesthetic as possible is used during the procedure. Usually, you won’t need any downtime to get back on track with your day.


The answer to this question is conditional on the specific operation being performed. At the initial consultation, you and your surgeon will talk about your current health situation and your desired outcomes from the operation. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn as much as you can about the procedure’s potential outcomes and side effects.

Depending on the complexity of the procedure, the amount of work involved, and the surgeon’s chosen approach, vaginal rejuvenation surgery can take anywhere from one to two hours. Cosmetic surgery to the vagina usually requires general anesthesia and is performed in an outpatient clinic. The surgeon will make cuts in your vagina and the surrounding tissues and muscles while you are under anesthesia. Incisions may be made in different places depending on the procedure being performed. Following this, the incisions are closed using dissolvable stitches.

Following surgery, your doctor will give you care instructions, which will include a prohibition on certain activities (like sex). If you experience any pain, you can use ice packs and pain medication. You won’t feel anything because you’ll be asleep during the procedure.

If you’re going to agree to surgery, you should know what to expect and what risks are involved. Following any operation, it’s important to take care of yourself as directed to avoid complications.

What is the process for laser vaginal rejuvenation?

A probe (or wand) is inserted into the vagina or guided across the external genitalia to tighten and tone the vaginal tissue. The tissue is warmed by the light at the end of the probe. The wand is rotated or gently stroked around the affected areas, causing the heat to be distributed evenly.

Vaginal rejuvenation with a laser (or RF) can take anywhere from five minutes to thirty minutes, depending on the type of laser or RF waves being used and the depth of the procedure.

If you’re asking, does vaginal rejuvenation work, rejuvenating the vagina without surgery causes no discomfort and needs no numbing medicine. If any discomfort is felt, your doctor may apply a local anesthetic. During the procedure, the treated area may become hot or sting like a bee. You should wait at least three to five days before engaging in sexual activity or using tampons. If you want the best possible outcome from your procedure, make sure to strictly adhere to your doctor’s post-treatment instructions.

After treatment, you might have some redness or swelling, but it should go away within 24 to 48 hours. There’s a chance that you’ll need multiple sessions to see results.

Advantages of Vaginal Tightening

To what extent does vaginal rejuvenation help women?

An improved vaginal appearance can:

Make your vaginal area more secure.

Aid for urinary incontinence (leaking urine).

Fill it with more moisture and oil.

Raise the threshold for sensations experienced there.

You should work on your pelvic floor and vaginal muscles if they are weak.

Ease aching relationships.

Make your vulvar region look better (labia, clitoris or vaginal opening).

I was wondering if vaginal rejuvenation had any side effects.

Disadvantages of Vaginal Tightening

There is a wide variety of vaginal rejuvenation treatments available, and not all of them have been thoroughly studied or proven safe and effective. Vaginal rejuvenation (especially surgical procedures) carries a number of dangers:

  • Pain
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Sensual Pain (Dyspareunia)

How effective is vaginal rejuvination?

There is a wide range of possible outcomes from cosmetic surgery. Some methods of vaginal rejuvenation are dubious and not supported by science.

The FDA issued a warning to businesses that were promoting vaginal rejuvenation procedures. The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) issues a strong disclaimer against such procedures, labeling the advertising tactics used to promote them as “deceptive.” Before undergoing vaginal rejuvenation procedures, it is advised that you undergo a careful evaluation with your gynecologist and fully comprehend the risks and complications involved.

After vaginal rejuvenation, how long should I wait to have sexual activity?

You should wait three to five days after a nonsurgical procedure before engaging in sexual activity. Before initiating sexual activity, you should make sure there is no sign of infection or bleeding. In addition, you shouldn’t use a tampon or put anything in your vagina while you’re healing.

If you’ve recently had surgery, you may need to wait weeks before you can resume sexual activity to allow the treated area to heal and the stitches to dissolve. Get specific recovery instructions from your doctor or surgeon.

Vaginal revitalization: how long does it last?

Repeated sessions of laser and RF therapy are often necessary for optimal results. It’s important to remember that the outcomes are temporary. Although the effects of surgery tend to be more long-term, this is not always the case.


What is the earliest time I should make an appointment with my doctor?

If you are experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, pain, or a lack of confidence because of vaginal issues, it is important to discuss these feelings with your healthcare provider. You could benefit from medical intervention such as medication or physical therapy. Before undergoing any surgical procedures or medical treatments, it is essential to discuss your options with a qualified medical professional.


Can I get vaginal rejuvenation with my health insurance?

When it comes to vaginal rejuvenation, most insurance companies won’t pay for it because of its cosmetic nature (not medically necessary). But there are always outliers, like trauma or birth-related injuries. If you have questions about your policy’s coverage, you should call your insurance company.


If you’re searching for vaginal tightening near me on Google, we can surely help you! Both surgical and nonsurgical methods are available for vaginal rejuvenation here in our clinic, with the latter two focusing on tightening the vaginal canal or the skin around it. Sexual dysfunction, urinary incontinence, and vaginal dryness are all conditions that benefit from its use. The risks and benefits of vaginal rejuvenation are still being explored by the medical community. Consult a doctor if you are experiencing vaginal discomfort, urinary leakage, or are unhappy with the appearance of your vagina following childbirth. You could benefit from vaginal rejuvenation therapy.

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