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PRP for Hair – Non-Surgical Treatment of Hair Loss/Balding in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Prp Hair Treatment

What is PRP?

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma. Human blood consists of many parts which include a liquid component called the plasma and solid parts like the platelet, red and white blood cells. Platelets play a crucial role in blood clotting to prevent serious bleeding.

Platelets also contain a group of proteins called growth factors. These growth factors have been shown to play an important role in aiding and stimulating healing in other areas of the body like tendon injuries. Although scientific research are still in its early days, PRP has been promising in showing results for use in stimulation of hair growth.


Experience the Healing Touch of PRP Therapy

Have you considered how a PRP facial could transform your skin’s texture and vitality? At Nexus Clinic, our PRP facial therapy uses your own platelets’ regenerative power to rejuvenate skin, minimise ageing’s effects, and enhance general skin tone. Essential for young, radiant skin, this creative approach boosts collagen generation.

Our PRP treatment for knee offers beneficial relief for people suffering from joint soreness or mobility problems. Athletes and everyone else with joint pain can benefit greatly from this therapy because it uses concentrated platelets injected straight into the afflicted area to hasten healing and lower discomfort. Without the downtime connected with more aggressive treatments, this non-surgical option helps increase mobility and improves quality of life.

Our mission is to introduce innovative treatments using the body’s natural healing systems. Find out how our PRP treatments could enable you to rejuvenate yourself—where in healthcare human touch meets scientific knowledge. Rely on us and witness your own transformation.

FAQ & Questions.

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions by you, answered by our doctors.

Platelet rich plasma (PRP) therapy is the application of this preparation to stimulate growth of tissue for different purposes. For hair loss, PRP therapy is the injection of platelet rich plasma into the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles. Hair follicles are the individual units on the scalp from which hair grows.

The hair follicles contain stem cells. Stem cells are a type of cells whose function are to develop into new cells. With the help of platelet rich plasma therapy, these stem cells are given a kick into starting the process of producing new cells to grow into follicular units. PRP also contains a multitude of growth factors which help with healing and growing of tissues.

PRP is also believed to promote blood flow to the area nourishing the area with the essential nutrients needed for growth. Ultimately, platelet rich plasma therapy will lead to new hair growth.

The exciting part of PRP is the fact that the substance is derived from the patient’s own body. As mentioned above, platelets are a component of blood. These platelets are taken from your own blood and reinjected into you at a more concentrated amount at a specific site. As these platelets are from your own body, you will not get a reaction where the body will try to reject these tissues.

So, how is PRP therapy performed? It consists of two main parts.

Firstly, blood is taken from you through a procedure called a venipuncture. This is the usual way a blood is taken for majority of the times for example when needing a blood sample at a medical check-up. The procedure involves using a needle to draw blood from a vein. The amount of blood is taken is not very much and the needle might feel like a little prick.

After your blood is taken, the sample is put in a centrifuge machine. The purpose of this machine is to separate the blood’s components. This is done by the action of the machine where the sample undergoes spinning at really high speeds. The action of the centrifuge separates the plasma from the red blood cells. The plasma concentrated with platelets are taken from the blood and fluid is what is injected for the therapy.

Secondly, once the PRP fluid is obtained, comes the time for injection into the scalp. The areas where hair growth is identified. Using a microneedle, the scalp is injected with PRP. In a single session, multiple number of injections are done. These needles would typically not cause a lot of pain but only mild discomfort. A typical session would last an hour.

An advantage compared to transplant procedure is that it is non-invasive and is not a surgical procedure. This means there will be no heavy preparations for the procedure and there will be no downtime after the procedure. A busy person would appreciate the brief time needed to fix their hair problems!

Platelets rich plasma also source platelets from the patient’s own body which mean the body will not reject the injection as a foreign body. This greatly reduces the risk of unwanted reactions to the procedure.

The good news is that PRP is suitable for everyone as it is a low-risk procedure. It works for both men and women. It is especially useful for those who do not want to undergo an extensive procedure like a hair transplant. Just speak to our doctors to clarify any doubts as to whether is the treatment for you.

Another interesting fact about PRP is that it is not only helpful in hair loss but also has other applications in the medical field. These include:

  • Osteoarthritis: Pain in osteoarthritis is caused by the loss of cartilage which cushions the joints from shock. PRP can help in the regeneration of cartilage to reduce pain.
  • Tendon injury: Growth factors can help to stimulate healing and growth in damaged tissues.

The needle for taking blood is the standard size needle for venipuncture and will feel like a small stabbing or prickly sensation. However, it is only for a moment to draw blood. The scalp injections uses microneedles and causes only minor discomfort while the injections are done. The topic of numbing cream should be discussed with doctor as there are differing opinions between practitioners whether numbing creams affect the results of the PRP.

Post-procedure, it is also very normal for patients to feel discomfort for a few days. This will self-resolve and you can take over-the-counter pain medications to reduce the discomfort.

Platelet rich plasma therapy can be used on its own or as adjunct with a procedure such as a surgical hair transplant. In fact, some doctors may recommend PRP to stimulate healing after a hair transplant to compound the effect of hair growth.

PRP is not an instant cure for hair loss. The healing process takes its natural course and on average a person will start to visibly appreciate results six months after initiating treatment and maximal results after a year.

This varies from individual to individual as no two set of hair is the same. Neither are the desires and expectations of each person the same. Normally, a single treatment is not sufficient. There will be multiple session with more being done in the initial months followed by maintenance injections.

The best thing would be to speak to your doctor to start planning for your hair growth journey.

The cost of PRP is dependent on the site of injections and number of injections.  The price range begins from RM800.

Speak to a doctor to determine the suitability of the treatment, the appropriate plan for you and also to discuss quotes and payment schedule.

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